CHENNAI: Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi on Sunday said the government had increased the salary of the employees of TASMAC retail outlets twice.
Refuting the allegations of AIDMK general secretary Jayalalithaa that the DMK government was not regularising their services because they were appointed during the AIADMK regime, Mr. Karunanidhi wanted to know why she failed to regularise them when she was in power.
The Chief Minister’s explanation came in the wake of demonstration announced by the AIADMK on July 27 in support of the demands of the TASMAC employees.
Mr. Karunanidhi said the DMK government had hiked the salary twice: once in 2007 and again on July 20, this year. The salary of the supervisors was increased to Rs. 4,000 a month from Rs. 3,500, while the salary of the salesman and the sales assistant was increased to Rs. 2,800 a month and Rs. 2,100 from Rs. 2,400 and Rs. 1,800 respectively.
Recalling various welfare measures announced for the TASMAC employees, the Chief Minister said the bonus and the gratuity was increased to 20 per cent in 2007-08.
The government has also increased the solatium of Rs 1 lakh to Rs. 1.5 lakh to the family of the employees in case of death.
The Chief Minister pointed out that the employees were getting interest for the surety deposited at the time of joining duty.
Mr. Karunanidhi said Ms. Jayalalithaa had announced the demonstration in an irresponsible manner without taking into account all the measures announced by the DMK government.
The Chief Minister wondered what would be Ms. Jayalalithaa’s stand if the DMK government closed down retail liquor shops in response to the demand of PMK leader Ramadoss.
“She might demand reopening of the shops and accuse the State government of punishing the workers appointed during her regime,” he quipped.
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